Monday, November 01, 2004

Naked Eye - Luscious Jacksons

Do you bath in the nude?
How you ever taken a bath in the nude with other members of the same sex and/or the opposite sex?
Im pretty sure at least 80% of the people will say aye.

You see, im pretty comfortable with my sexuality and my body, meaning that, yes, I dont mind skinny dipping or playing football naked. In fact, during my college days, I have taken the oocasional shower at the Uni gym. Imagine that. lotsa naked football players. I have also accidentally stumbled unto the women's shower room during one frat party. Thankfully a lot of those ladies were intoxicated at that time and were vomitting instead of showering sexily.

But its one thing to bath naked with people you hardly know or with strangers.
Its another to bath naked with your work colleagues. Somehow, seeing them in the buff and then going to work side by side the next day with them still gives me that uneasy feeling.

Looks like I have to pschye myself up for next week.