Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Wall - Pink Floyd

Ok folks. Just got news that yours truly will have to fly to China, or more specifically, an isolated place called Kela.

My itinerary will look like this:

KL - Beijing (flying..of course)
Beijing - Urumqi (flying)
Urumqi - Korla (flying)
Korla - Kela - 2 oilfield. ( by road)

Its located at the north eastern tip of Urumqi, which is also the NorthEastern tip of China. I was told it's a desert town and pretty remote. Sounds like a really, REALLY fun place to be. ( Party with Camels?any time!)
Oh well, I guess I'll have to look for Santa somewhere in Kazakhstan.
And i doubt they'll have internet cafe there. so, no blogs for a while and no surfing. Wow, I am really going to have a blast there.
Note to self: bring plenty of books to read.

Happy Holidays everyone!
*I'm not saying happy new year because I hope to be back by New Year's Eve!*