Monday, January 17, 2005

Let Go - Frou Frou

Sometimes that's how I feel . Just me and N . just letting it go. just leaving everything behind.going away somewhere far, far away.
I have dreams of us being constantly on the road. constantly on the move. everyday a new perspective. a new challenge. Not that now it isnt but sometimes daily routine is just not very interesting.

It might come across as being selfish to some people. You know, people might say you cant just pack up and go? you have responsibilites, your parents, your siblings, your children ( and you MUST have them). you must save up for your future, for your retirement, your investments, your unit trust, your AFTERLIFE.

I mean, come on. there MUST be a way to attend to your responsibilites and enjoy what's left of your measly life. I just havent have a clue how.

Im ranting, I know. There are bigger problems right now in the world. And here I am , facing an inner jihad.

shit, i think i really need a new job. That or I must be thinking of the things i didnt or ought to do when i was younger.

Shit man...this really sounds like quater life crisis.

Oh by the way, I am having difficulties putting to words the images that I have in my head ( based on my last trip). Everything I write down sounds so flat even though in my head they sound funtasticly fabulous. it aint easy writing travelogues that are interesting to READ, as I am now finding out.